Sunday, May 15, 2011

Alice visits France

Alice Isabella loved France.
So did her traveling companion Miss P. Smedley.
and Jack the Jack Russell.
He decided to stay with Miss Alice because his family were going away on holiday.

The three of them became a little band, they walked for miles along the cobblestone pavements.

There were lots of interesting things for Jack to sniff and there were cats everywhere... on the steps by the door, under the chairs, and on the pavement (footpath) Now this excited him very much.

They sat in little cafes on red cane chairs facing the road and drank coffee and said 
"Merci" (which means thank you)

Miss P Smedley had to help Alice Isabella with her pronunciation, because she kept saying "Mercy, Mercy, Mercy" in a sing song voice instead of saying it the french way.

Alice Isabella can sing Fre-re Jacques, and she annoyingly sang it very often in her high spindly voice. 

"Frère Jacques, frère Jacques,
Dormez-vous? Dormez-vous?
Sonnez les matines! Sonnez les matines!
Din, dan, don. Din, dan, don."

She can be so annoying at times.

Jack, the Jack Russell put his paws over his ears sometimes, but at other times he joined in. He can speak French you know, he has a strong doggy accent but it's quite nice really.

One special day they visited a beautiful garden.

It was once owned by Mr and Mrs Monet. (You don't say "Mon - ET" you say "Mon - A")

A very, very, merry, long time ago, Mr Monet was a painter.

He painted all day and all night in his bright yellow kitchen.

The walls were yellow, the table was yellow and   even the curtains were yellow. It looked like it had been kissed by the sun.

He painted flowers, and bridges and waterlily s with flair and gusto.

(that means he painted very strongly)

It was sunny in the garden.

It was warm and kind.

It smelt wonderful and the bees and butterflies were having a wonderful time visiting each other for a cuppa.

I wonder if they had baby cino? "That's a children's cappuccino"

To be continued.:-

Monday, May 2, 2011

Alice goes to Paris.

There is always the unexpected.

There is always a surprise.

Storms come with alarming regularity and at times the world bows to their creativity.

Such a storm affected the Travel of Alice Isabella on her trip to France.

Miss P Smedley, her friend, with whom she traveled had to leave on an earlier flight   due to the storm approaching.

Alice Isabella accompanied her in the notebook in her handbag.

It was warm and comfortable there and in fact it saved an airfare.....

The first part of the trip was to Montreal in Canada and Miss P Smedley was so relaxed after the flight she forgot that she left her notebook in the seat of the plane when she got off.

She waited at the gate for the plane to Paris with her other friends forgetting all about miss Alice.

Alice Isabella was actually taking a nap and woke feeling quite relaxed. 

It took her a little while to realise here was something strange. There was no plane noise or vibration.... what was happening.?

Well, its a bit hard when you're stuck in a notebook in the back of a plane seat... you just can't get out until someone takes you out.

Suddenly she felt herself being lifted up by a great big hand. Someone with chewing gum breathe flipped through the book making her dizzy and then all of a sudden she felt herself flying through the air and landing upside down in a garbage bag.

She almost got a headache being in that position.

Where was her friend Miss P Smedley?

How was she going to get out of this situation?

The garbage bag was placed with other bags in the storage room. 

Alice Isabella's bottom lip quivered... for pete's sake she had only just been rescued from jail... now she was in a garbage bag in Montreal Canada.... and she was cold and frightened.

She heard a noise... 

A small noise at first....

A whining noise.....

Alice called out in a small voice.

"is anybody there, can you help me?"

The whining got louder.....

"Whiiiiiiiine whaaaaat do you neeeeeeeed, woof."

"I need to meet my friend Miss P Smedley, she's going to Paris."

"Whine..... I'm going there too, woof.... I'm Jack, the Jack Russell and my owners are taking me to Paris....." said the little brown dog.

"Oooh, can you help me" said Alice Isabella, "I'm afraid I'll get lost" she said.

"Woof, what if I get out of this cage and come and get you and you can ride with me to Paris."..

Alice was so excited she could barely talk.

"Thank you a thousand times"... she said a little dramatically.

Jack the Jack Russell was a really clever dog. He undid the latch on his blue container and ran over to the garbage bag and tore it apart with his sharp teeth.
He picked up the notebook very gently and took it back to his dog container...

Alice Isabella was surprised it was so comfortable... it had a soft rug, a container for water and but it smelt a little "doggy"

BUT she was safe and going to Paris.

She traveled all the way with Jack the Jack Russell and when it came time for him to meet his owners, he gently lifted her out of the notebook and placed her on the luggage belt....

Now Miss P. Smedley hadn't even missed her notebook... you can imagine her surprise when she looked up an there Alice Isabella sitting on her luggage as it came out of the hole thing.

How exciting.